Fun Together Mosaic Taster for Two.
Getting creative is always more fun when you share the experience with company.
Book yourself and a friend/partner on this taster experience and learn the tips and tricks to get started on mosaic making, whilst sipping a glass of Prosecco or G&T.
You will each make a pair of simple mosaic coasters to takeaway, in your choice of colours, that will look stunning on your coffee table at home. This 2 hour introduction will give you a feel for this addictive craft and will teach you the BASICS to get you started on your mosaic journey. It also provides the perfect precursor to my 'Beginners' workshops.
You will learn how to:
* plan a design
* shape your tiles
* glue your tiles
* grout your finished piece
Join the fun and the Inspiring Creativity Community - it would be lovely to see you!
On: Sunday 31st August 2025
From 2pm - 4pm
At the Inspiring Creativity Studio, The Old Saddlery. Old Park. Lydney Park Estate. Lydney Glos. GL15 6BU
What’s included in the mosaic taster:
All materials and tools to create two pairs of mosaic coasters 10cm x 10cm
Up to two hours to make your creation
A glass of Prosecco, G&T per participant. (Extras can be bought on the day and non-alcoholic options, including tea and coffee are available)
An information pack, comprising of details on how to grout your piece at home.
Ample free parking
Plus! There will be a 10% discount on all 2024 mosaic workshops for attendees.