Rachel Shilston MDF Large Shapes

A1B92F1F 7CF6 4B13 975C 2A8417022063
A1B92F1F 7CF6 4B13 975C 2A8417022063 CCC9F8C9 1EB7 44A5 B773 95F510CB46F0 9D17FCEE 3D25 4BA9 98F7 921FD3EB2D4D 6E8B2498 4A5F 4167 9193 D36AB80B7D7B EBAB8477 325F 4B6E 8E7D 6EC6A7623B7E E52C5531 8E03 4BE1 8BB8 D4649A820D92


A unique MDF shape designed by Rachel and custom made for Rachel Shilston - Inspiring Creativity. 

Perfect as a base for mosaic or any other craft. 

All large shapes measure approximately 20cm

For indoor display only.

© Please respect the copyright of the artist. For personal use only and not for re-sale.

7 items in stock.

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